Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How long does it take to get a Black Belt in Hapkido?

How long does it take to get a Black Belt in Hapkido?

I’m often asked by new students, “How long does it take to get a Black Belt in Hapkido?” And that is a great question. A better question is “What does it take to earn or become a black belt?” First, it takes a lot of discipline and dedication. You must train on a regular basis (at least twice a week). It’s easy at times, especially for adults to let life get in the way. You have to push yourself to get to class on the days when you may be feeling lazy, or just too busy. I have been teaching Hapkido in Howell (Monmouth County, NJ) for over eight years. I heard several students tell me that they were tired and was going to stay home and miss class- but always say after class, they feel great and were glade that they pushed themselves to come. Check out this Photo that shows a log of attendance that one of my students kept in his note book leading up to his black belt test. That is what it takes to become a Black belt in Hapkido. Once you show up, the rest is easy. Oh Yeah….It took him four years of hard dedicated training.

Just Remember...."Every Black belt, started as a white belt!"

-Master McCann

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