Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Jackson Police Explorers

Jackson Police Explorers 

Master McCann has been teaching Hapkido defensive Tactics to various Law enforcement personnel in Ocean and Monmouth counties since 2001 ,and established Self Defense Academy located in Howell, NJ in 2005.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Can Martial Arts help my Child in school?

Can Martial Arts help my Child in school?

There have been many studies that show training in the martial arts is great for kids. At Self Defense Academy we teach a Korean martial art called “Hapkido”. Our curriculum is not only designed to promote physical fitness but also builds a positive outlook, a high self-esteem, and a secure confidence. But can a martial art like Hapkido actually help your child in school? I started thinking about this last week as I sat watching one of my students being inducted into the National Honor Society at Howell High School. Casey Started classes with me about 7 years ago and tested for her Black Belt in Hapkido last year. Over the last few years I have watched her excel both on and off the mat. Every marking period I have the kids bring in their report cards and give a medal to the students who are on the honor roll. An emphasis on academics should be just as important as the physical movements of the art. Martial Arts teach a child “discipline” which is hard to find these days. This discipline of coming to class a few times a week, learning new things, repeating moves already mastered and striving to push yourself to be the best that you can.... translates easily to school work, studying, and general life.  Awesome job Casey, it was an honor for me to have been part of the ceremony.

Master McCann

Monday, January 28, 2013

New Black Belts!!

New Black Belts!!

Back row(L-R) Carl Larson, Master Michael D'Aloia,Master Brian McCann,Craig Wierzbicki, Jason Bobo,David Staples. Front Ahmed Awadallah, Bryan Stillwell.

Congratulations To Ahmed Awadallah & Bryan Stillwell on receiving their
1st Dan Black belts in Junki Hapkido. They tested in front of a packed house at our new location- 2211 Rt. 9 North (Regal Plaza) Howell, NJ. Ahmed and Bryan demonstrated proficiency in the original Hapkido techniques that have been passed down from founder Choi, Yong Sul to Grand master Lim, Hyun-Su.
Ahmed and Bryan are SDA Black belts #15 & #16. Master McCann has been teaching Hapkido in Ocean and Monmouth counties for over ten years and established 'Self Defense Academy' in 2005.

Ahmed Awadallah(15)- First Dan Junki Hapkido 1/26/13

Bryan Stillwell(16)-First Dan Junki Hapkido 1/26/13

Monday, January 21, 2013

Who are your main martial arts influences?

Who are your main martial arts influences?

If you’re like me, you spent your Saturday mornings growing up in the 80’s watching “Kung FU Theater” on the USA Network. I can remember sliding the dial on the cable box as soon as the cartoons were over! Watching all the martial arts movies with English dubbed over the voices of the Hong Kong actors was the highlight of my weekend. Nothing would compare to Bruce Lee…his movies were light years ahead of the others. Not only were the movies better but his fighting style seemed way better-even though I knew nothing about “Jeet Kune Do” at the time. Bruce Lee was my first influence.

Next up….”The Karate Kid”. Who can remember doing a Crain Kick when watching the movie on HBO?( It seemed to be replayed ten times a day) I think I broke a vase or two in the house (Sorry Mom). Sweep the leg Johnny! The Cobra Kai, and Mr. Miagi…such a great movie that talked about the real benefits of the martial arts… like discipline, dedication, and being focused.

Then in the late 80’s an actor with a completely different kind of martial art grabbed my attention….Steven Seagal. What was this? He seemed to throw people with no effort. He would break joints and strike from close quarters. What was this art? Japanese Aikido. I would later find out that Seagal’s Aikido was much rougher than traditional main stream Aikido. In fact, it seemed more like Daito Ryu Aiki-Jujistu . Regardless, Seagal was a huge influence and prompted me to seek out a Hapkido Dojang that I found in the Yellow pages. Taking the first steps into a martial arts school is always a hard thing to do, everyone feels a little nervous. I’m glad that I did!


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How long does it take to get a Black Belt in Hapkido?

How long does it take to get a Black Belt in Hapkido?

I’m often asked by new students, “How long does it take to get a Black Belt in Hapkido?” And that is a great question. A better question is “What does it take to earn or become a black belt?” First, it takes a lot of discipline and dedication. You must train on a regular basis (at least twice a week). It’s easy at times, especially for adults to let life get in the way. You have to push yourself to get to class on the days when you may be feeling lazy, or just too busy. I have been teaching Hapkido in Howell (Monmouth County, NJ) for over eight years. I heard several students tell me that they were tired and was going to stay home and miss class- but always say after class, they feel great and were glade that they pushed themselves to come. Check out this Photo that shows a log of attendance that one of my students kept in his note book leading up to his black belt test. That is what it takes to become a Black belt in Hapkido. Once you show up, the rest is easy. Oh Yeah….It took him four years of hard dedicated training.

Just Remember...."Every Black belt, started as a white belt!"

-Master McCann

Sunday, January 13, 2013

We Moved!!

We Moved !!
Last week Master McCann's Self Defense Academy moved to Regal plaza located on Rt.9 in Howell, New Jersey. We hope this location will be much better for our students and family members as it has better parking and lighting. Our new location (2211 Rt.9 North , Howell NJ) is just 2 miles north of our old spot. Students from Howell and Freehold will be able to avoid a lot of the Rt. 195/9 southbound traffic at rush hour.

Master McCann has been teaching Hapkido in Monmouth and Ocean counties for over eight years. We offer martial arts classes for both adults and children.
Our new location provides a great environment for students to learn. We have also added  two extra morning classes for our adult students to attend.

Come visit Our new location at Regal Plaza and start your Hapkido training today!

Friday, January 11, 2013

If These Mats Could Talk

If These Mats Could Talk

 The past month while I was in the process of moving my school to it's new location, I started to think about the history of the mats that are located at the school. During the last eight years teaching Hapkido in Howell,NJ we have had several high ranking Grand Masters teach on our mats!! Shortly after we opened in 2005 we hosted the controversial Grand Master John Pellegrini, 9th Dan founder of Combat Hapkido. In 2007, 9th Dan Grand Master Moo Yong Kang spent an incredible weekend teaching on these mats. GM. Kang is one of the first Koreans to bring Hapkido to the United States. WOW!! An original Hapkido pioneer taught on these mats! We also have had the pleasure of hosting 7th Dan Grand Masters Frank Nougerra and Michael D'Aloia several times on these mats. The most memorable moment was when we had Grand Master Lim, Hyun-Su -the longest student of Hapkido founder Choi Yong Sul stepped foot and taught a seminar on our mats during his 2010 tour of the United States.

Master McCann